I hope this post finds you happy and enjoying the sunshine!
It's been a crazy week (and it's only Tuesday!) My baby girl is sick and I spent my birthday on Sunday and Monday trying to love her back to health...she stayed home with my hubby today. I'm hoping she's on the mend soon!
But...I did want to take a minute and share with you all of the great pictures that are coming back for our Flat Stanley project.
Our Flat Stanleys are making their way back to our classroom. Check out our bulletin board!
As you can see, the majority of Stanleys traveled within our state of Michigan...some strayed a bit further to Las Vegas, Port Charlotte, Colorado, Florida, Rhode Island, and Montana! One Stanley even went to Canada for a day trip:)
The children each mailed one Flat Stanley to a family member and took a Flat Stanley home for a week and recorded their adventures in a journal.
I quickly realized that I would run out of room if I put up ALL of the pictures we received, so I created a binder with a page for each student to put additional letters and photos in their own page protector. Now, the kids all want to use the Flat Stanley binder during Read to Self!
Here is a picture of the students' journals they created with their own Flat Stanley.
This is a photo of the Flat Stanley binder with all of the pictures and letters sent to us from family and friends. The kids also put their journals in this basket. It is a popular Read to Self or Read to Someone selection:)
That's all for today! I hope to post an Adventure Journal for you in the next few days;)
Have a great night!